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苗栗縣新港國民中小學以「紀律、雙語、藝文、創造力、國際觀」為願景,期望學生在五育並重均衡發展的基礎上,更能以紀律、雙語、藝文、創造力、國際觀為梯,登上巨人的肩膀看世界。全體同仁共同努力延續創校宗旨,落實品格、雙語、藝文、創造力、國際觀的辦學理念, 為孩子奠定幸福的學習童年,讓新港中小學成為學習的樂園。



The Vision of Xin-Gang Elementary and Junior High School is to provide a basic foundation of discipline, bilingual, aesthetic and cultural education system. Principal believes that every child is a unique and important individual who can learn. The staff believe it is our responsibility to serve as facilitators for the development of each child's maximum potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally.

In order to provide a better educational environment and allow more children to receive a high-quality bilingual education, we have a strong connection with local community by providing multi-cultural activities to develop students’s potentials. All in all, the learning style that focuses solely on examinations will be a thing of the past, while the future education reforms focus on diversity. We are confident that the Xin-Gang campus will surely create a joyful paradise of learning for all students.

☎電話:037-722547 總機:9 ▩傳真℻ :037-720013

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